Slade, Jonathan
Physical and Analytical Atmospheric Chemistry: Multiphase Chemistry and Kinetics of Atmospheric Aerosols and Trace Gases, and their Impacts on Air Quality and Climate
2015 Ph.D.,
Atmospheric Chemistry,
State University of New York at Stony Brook (Stony Brook University)
2009 M.Sc.,
Purdue University
2007 B.Sc.,
Winthrop University
2018-present Assistant Professor,
University of California San Diego
2015-2018 Postdoctoral Research Associate,
Purdue University
Awards and Academic Honors
EPA-STAR Early Career Award
William A. Lee Chancellor's Endowed Junior Faculty Fellow
Best Doctoral Thesis Award
Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists (ACCESSXIII)
National Science Foundation Biosphere and Atmosphere Research and Training (NSF-BART) Summer Fellow
Research Interests
Air/water pollution and climate change are global issues, requiring immediate attention and innovative cross-disciplinary research to understand and mitigate their effects on our planet. To this end, the Slade lab studies fundamental chemical and physical processes affecting the formation, evolution, toxicity, and climate properties of atmospheric aerosols. We are interested in applying and developing novel analytical methodologies (e.g., in mass spectrometry) to understand the detailed multiphase chemistry and kinetics of organic aerosol formation and interactions with gas-phase oxidants and reactive semivolatile species in different environments (urban, coastal, forested, and biomass burning). Our three main thrusts involving both laboratory and field work currently are (1) reactive organic nitrogen multiphase chemistry of urban secondary organic aerosol, (2) chemical aging and toxicity studies of emerging priority chemicals in marine aerosol, and (3) fundamental interrelationships between aerosol phase and composition.
Primary Research Area
Physical/Analytical Chemistry
Interdisciplinary interests
Atmospheric and Environmental
Physical Organic
Selected Publications
- Cooper AW, Shenkiryk A, Chin H, Morris M, Mehndiratta L, Roundtree K, Tafuri T, Slade JH* "Photoinitiated Degradation Kinetics of the Organic UV Filter Oxybenzone in Solutions and Aerosols: Impacts of Salt, Photosensitizers, and the Medium", ACS ES&T Air, 2024,
- Kruse SM,Tumminello PR,Moore AN,Lee C,Prather KA,Slade JH* "Effects of Relative Humidity and Phase on the Molecular Detection of Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol Using Extractive Electrospray Ionization.", Anal Chem, 2024, Vol. 96, Issue 31, 12901-12907
- Madawala CK,Molina C,Kim D,Gamage DK,Sun M,Leibensperger RJ 3rd,Mehndiratta L,Lee J,Kaluarachchi CP,Kimble KA,Sandstrom G,Harb C,Dinasquet J,Malfatti F,Prather KA,Deane GB,Stokes MD,Lee C,Slade JH,Stone EA,Grassian VH,Tivanski AV "Effects of Wind Speed on Size-Dependent Morphology and Composition of Sea Spray Aerosols.", ACS Earth Space Chem, 2024, Vol. 8, Issue 8, 1609-1622
- Mehndiratta L,Lyp A,Slade JH*,Grassian VH "Immersion Ice Nucleation of Atmospherically Relevant Lipid Particles", Environ. Sci. Atmos., 2024,
- Molina C, Kim D, Mehndiratta L, Lee J, Madawala CK, Slade JH, Tivanski AV, Grassian VH "Comparison of Different Vibrational Spectroscopic Probes (ATR-FTIR, O-PTIR, Micro-Raman, and AFM-IR) of Lipids and Other Compounds Found in Environmental Samples: Case Study of Substrate-Deposited Sea Spray Aerosols", ACS Meas. Sci. Au, 2024,
- Tumminello PR,Niles R,Valdez V,Madawala CK,Gamage DK,Kimble KA,Leibensperger RJ 3rd,Huang C,Kaluarachchi C,Dinasquet J,Malfatti F,Lee C,Deane GB,Stokes MD,Stone E,Tivanski A,Prather KA,Boor BE,Slade JH "Size-Dependent Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol Bounce Fractions and Estimated Viscosity: The Role of Divalent Cation Enrichment, Surface Tension, and the Kelvin Effect.", Environ Sci Technol, 2024, Vol. 58, Issue 44, 19666-19678
- Brandon Bottorff, Michelle M Lew, Youngjun Woo, Pamela Rickly, Matthew D Rollings, Benjamin Deming, Daniel C Anderson, Ezra Wood, Hariprasad D Alwe, Dylan B Millet, Andrew Weinheimer, Geoff Tyndall, John Ortega, Sebastien Dusanter, Thierry Leonardis, James Flynn, Matt Erickson, Sergio Alvarez, Jean C Rivera-Rios, Joshua D Shutter, Frank Keutsch, Detlev Helmig, Wei Wang, Hannah M Allen, Johnathan H Slade, Paul B Shepson, Steven Bertman, Philip S Stevens "OH, HO, and RO radical chemistry in a rural forest environment: measurements, model comparisons, and evidence of a missing radical sink", Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2023, Vol. 23, Issue 18, 10287-10311
- Cooper AW,Rogers MM,Wiggin KJ,Slade JH* "We Need a "Keeling Curve" Approach for Contaminants of Emerging Concern.", Environ Sci Technol, 2023, Vol. 57, Issue 28, 10147-10150
- Everett C,Darquenne C,Niles R,Seifert M,Tumminello PR,Slade JH* "Aerosols, airflow, and more: examining the interaction of speech and the physical environment.", Front Psychol, 2023, Vol. 14, 1184054
- Kruse SM, Slade JH* "Heterogeneous and Photosensitized Oxidative Degradation Kinetics of the Plastic Additive Bisphenol-A in Sea Spray Aerosol Mimics.", J Phys Chem A, 2023, Vol. 127, Issue 21, 4724-4733
- Deonie Allen, Steve Allen, Sajjad Abbasi, Alex Baker, Melanie Bergmann, Janice Brahney, Tim Butler, Robert A Duce, Sabine Eckhardt, Nikolaos Evangeliou, Tim Jickells, Maria Kanakidou, Peter Kershaw, Paolo Laj, Joseph Levermore, Daoji Li, Peter Liss, Kai Liu, Natalie Mahowald, Pere Masque, Dušan Materić, Andrew G Mayes, Paul McGinnity, Iolanda Osvath, Kimberly A Prather, Joseph M Prospero, Laura E Revell, Sylvia G Sander, Won Joon Shim, Jonathan Slade, Ariel Stein, Oksana Tarasova, Stephanie Wright "Microplastics and Nanoplastics in the Marine-Atmosphere Environment", Nat. Rev. Earth Environ., 2022, Vol. 3, Issue 6, 393-405
- Everett C, Seifert M, Darquenne C,Tumminello PR, Slade JH* "Exploring the Role of Speech in the Transmission of Airborne Viruses via a Novel Method for Combining Aerosol and Phonetic Analysis", EVOLANG 14 Proceedings, 2022,
- Sauer JS,Mayer KJ,Lee C,Alves MR,Amiri S,Bahaveolos CJ,Franklin EB,Crocker DR,Dang D,Dinasquet J,Garofalo LA,Kaluarachchi CP,Kilgour DB,Mael LE,Mitts BA,Moon DR,Moore AN,Morris CK,Mullenmeister CA,Ni CM,Pendergraft MA,Petras D,Simpson RMC,Smith S,Tumminello PR,Walker JL,DeMott PJ,Farmer DK,Goldstein AH,Grassian VH,Jaffe JS,Malfatti F,Martz TR,Slade JH,Tivanski AV,Bertram TH,Cappa CD,Prather KA "The Sea Spray Chemistry and Particle Evolution study (SeaSCAPE): overview and experimental methods.", Environ Sci Process Impacts, 2022, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 290-315
- Ana C Morales, Thilina Jayarathne, Jonathan H Slade, Alexander Laskin, Paul B Shepson "The production and hydrolysis of organic nitrates from OH radical oxidation of -ocimene", Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2021, Vol. 21, Issue 1, 129-145
- Dandan Wei, Hariprasad D Alwe, Dylan B Millet, Brandon Bottorff, Michelle Lew, Philip S Stevens, Joshua D Shutter, Joshua L Cox, Frank N Keutsch, Qianwen Shi, Sarah C Kavassalis, Jennifer G Murphy, Krystal T Vasquez, Hannah M Allen, Eric Praske, John D Crounse, Paul O Wennberg, Paul B Shepson, Alexander AT Bui, Henry W Wallace, Robert J Griffin, Nathaniel W May, Megan Connor, Jonathan H Slade, Kerri A Pratt, Ezra C Wood, Mathew Rollings, Benjamin L Deming, Daniel C Anderson, Allison L Steiner "FORest Canopy Atmosphere Transfer (FORCAsT) 2.0: model updates and evaluation with observations at a mixed forest site", Geoscientific Model Development, 2021, Vol. 14, Issue 10, 6309-6329
- Paul R Tumminello, Reece C James, Samantha Kruse, Allison Kawasaki, Adam Cooper, Isis Guadalupe-Diaz, Karen Lopo Zepeda, Daniel R Crocker, Kathryn J Mayer, Jonathan S Sauer, Christopher Lee, Kimberly A Prather, Jonathan H Slade* "Evolution of Sea Spray Aerosol Particle Phase State Across a Phytoplankton Bloom", ACS Earth Space Chem., 2021, Vol. 5, Issue 11, 2995-3007
- Jenna C Ditto, Taekyu Joo, Jonathan H Slade, Paul B Shepson, Nga L Ng, Drew R Gentner "Nontargeted tandem mass spectrometry analysis reveals diversity and variability in aerosol functional groups across multiple sites, seasons, and times of day", Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 2020, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 60-69
- Nicole E Olson, Nathaniel W May, Rachel M Kirpes, Alexa E Watson, Kristian D Hajny, Jonathan H Slade, Paul B Shepson, Brian H Stirm, Kerri A Pratt, Andrew P Ault "Lake Spray Aerosol Incorporated into Great Lakes Clouds", ACS Earth Space Chem., 2019, Vol. 3, Issue 12, 2765-2774
- Slade JH*,Ault AP,Bui AT,Ditto JC,Lei Z,Bondy AL,Olson NE,Cook RD,Desrochers SJ,Harvey RM,Erickson MH,Wallace HW,Alvarez SL,Flynn JH,Boor BE,Petrucci GA,Gentner DR,Griffin RJ,Shepson PB "Bouncier Particles at Night: Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Chemistry and Sulfate Drive Diel Variations in the Aerosol Phase in a Mixed Forest.", Environ Sci Technol, 2019, Vol. 53, Issue 9, 4977-4987
- J. H. Slade, C. de Perre, L. Lee, and P. B. Shepson "Nitrate radical oxidation of γ-terpinene: hydroxy nitrate, total organic nitrate, and secondary organic aerosol yields", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017, Vol. 17, Issue 14, 8635-8650
- J. H. Slade, M. Shiraiwa, A. Arangio, H. Su, U. Pöschl, J. Wang, and D. A. Knopf "Cloud droplet activation through oxidation of organic aerosol influenced by temperature and particle phase state", Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, Vol. 44, Issue 3, 1583-1591
- J. D. Rindelaub, C. H. Borca, M. A. Hostetler, J. H. Slade, M. A. Lipton, L. V. Slipchenko, and P. B. Shepson "The acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of an α-pinene-derived organic nitrate: kinetics, products, reaction mechanisms, and atmospheric impact", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, Vol. 16, 15425-15432
- Arangio AM,Slade JH,Berkemeier T,Pöschl U,Knopf DA,Shiraiwa M "Multiphase chemical kinetics of OH radical uptake by molecular organic markers of biomass burning aerosols: humidity and temperature dependence, surface reaction, and bulk diffusion.", J Phys Chem A, 2015, Vol. 119, Issue 19, 4533-44
- J. H. Slade, R. Thalman, J. Wang, and D. A. Knopf "Chemical aging of single and multicomponent biomass burning aerosol surrogate particles by OH: implications for cloud condensation nucleus activity", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015, Vol. 15, Issue 17, 10183-10201
- J. H. Slade and D. A. Knopf "Multiphase OH oxidation kinetics of organic aerosol: The role of particle phase state and relative humidity", Geophysical Research Letters, 2014, Vol. 41, Issue 14, 5297-5306
- Slade JH,Knopf DA "Heterogeneous OH oxidation of biomass burning organic aerosol surrogate compounds: assessment of volatilisation products and the role of OH concentration on the reactive uptake kinetics.", Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2013, Vol. 15, Issue 16, 5898-915
- Knopf DA,Forrester SM,Slade JH "Heterogeneous oxidation kinetics of organic biomass burning aerosol surrogates by O3, NO2, N2O5, and NO3.", Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2011, Vol. 13, Issue 47, 21050-62
- J. H. Slade, T. M. VanReken, G. R. Mwaniki, S. Bertman, B. Stirm, and P. B. Shepson "Aerosol production from the surface of the Great Lakes", Geophysical Research Letters, 2010, Vol. 37, Issue 18,