Zhao, Hongbo
Computational soft and living matter; Biomolecular condensates; Data-driven discovery;

Contact Information
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Office: Urey Hall 6230
Phone: 858-822-4504
Email: hongbo@ucsd.edu
Web: zhaoresearchgroup.com

Accepting Rotation Students: Yes
2021 Ph.D., MIT
2015 B.S., Tsinghua University
2024-present Assistant Professor, UCSD
2021-2024 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University
Awards and Academic Honors
Princeton Bioengineering Initiative – Innovators (PBI2) Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship
Research Interests
Lying at the intersection of biophysics, soft matter, active matter, physical chemistry, and applied mathematics, we aim to uncover new fundamental principles, emergent phenomena, and methodologies of soft and living matter by thinking beyond traditional boundaries.
Interdisciplinary interests
Computational and Theoretical

Selected Publications   See https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7VwFEY4AAAAJ&hl=en