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Chemistry PhD Degree Requirements

Programs of study are tailored to the needs of individual students, based on their prior training and research interests. Progress to degree is generally similar for all students. During the first year, students take courses, begin their teaching apprenticeships, choose research advisors, and embark on their thesis research. Beginning the first summer, the emphasis is on research, although courses of special interest may be taken throughout a student's tenure. In the second year, there is a Departmental Examination, which includes a written research proposal and an oral defense of the research proposal. In the third year, students advance to candidacy for the doctorate by defending the topic, preliminary findings, and future research plans for their dissertation. Subsequent years focus on thesis research and writing the dissertation.

Definition of Good Academic Standing

Good department and academic standing is a requirement to remain eligible for financial support. Graduate students who are not in good standing for any reason are subject to probation and/or disqualification from further graduate study.

  • GPA of 3.0 or above (and no more than 8 units of “F” or “U” grades)
  • Must have an approved Thesis Advisor, no later than spring quarter of their first year
  • Satisfactory spring evaluation by Thesis Advisor
  • Fulfillment of all program requirements, according to department deadlines (i.e., coursework, research progress, Department Exam, Qualifying Exam)
  • Students may not exceed a maximum of three quarters of "U" grades in Chem 299. 

Time Limits

Campus policy has established maximum time limits for advancement to candidacy, for financial support, and for the total quarters registered. The UCSD Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs office enforces these limits. The Department  of Chemistry and Biochemistry has set earlier time limits for advancement to candidacy and financial support as outlined below.

Advancement to candidacy (PCTL)             3 years

Financial support (SUTL)                              4-5 years


An individualized course program is designed for each student in conjunction with the advisor. Course work may be prescribed by the First-Year or Thesis Advisor based on results of the Placement Examinations and the student's research concentration. All students will be required to TA for three quarters (usually during their first year).

  • Students should take into account their teaching schedule and duties when planning their course program. Likewise, those opting to earn a M.S. while studying for the Ph.D. should be aware of the requirements for that degree and should plan accordingly.
    • See Coursework Map for PhD students planning to get an MS along the way
  • All students must enroll in a minimum of 12 units each quarter to qualify for financial support and to be in good academic standing. If courses or units are dropped, others must be added to maintain the minimum 12 units required to remain in good academic standing. Graduate courses (200 and 500 series) are usually taken. Upper-division courses (100 series) are often appropriate or necessary to remedy deficiencies noted on Placement Examinations. Lower-division courses (numbered 1-99) do NOT count toward the 12 unit minimum.
  • To meet the unit requirements, first-year students must follow these guidelines:
    • Students normally enroll for 4 courses of 4 units each in Fall quarter.
    • CHEM 509 (Teaching Training Seminar, 2 units) counts towards the unit requirement
    • CHEM 250 / Responsible Conduct of Research training (RCR, 4 units). First year doctoral students are required to complete CHEM 250 in Spring quarter of Year 1. This seminar will cover RCR, and other valuable training on scientific communication and creating your Individual Development Plan. CHEM 250 will also fulfill the RCR training requirement from NSF and NIH funding agencies.
    • Students are encouraged to enroll in the seminar courses (e.g., CHEM 227, 291, 294, 295, or 296). However, these courses do not count toward the 12-unit per quarter minimum in the first year.
    • All students should enroll in CHEM 298 (Rotation) during Fall quarter (and Winter quarter for those students still participating in lab rotations). Students should not enroll in CHEM 299 (Research) until a Thesis Advisor has been approved.
    • First Year Advisors must approve any changes to course enrollment, including adds, drops, unit changes, and grading option changes.
    • Courses from other departments (e.g., Biology, Physics, Mathematics, School of Medicine, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography) may be taken. This may be particularly valuable in making contacts with faculty outside the Department for the Doctoral Committee.


Graduate level courses at UCSD have two grading options: Letter (e.g., A, B, C, D, and F) and S/U (Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory). First year students must take all courses for a letter grade unless the course is offered S/U only. Students who have not advanced to candidacy for the doctorate must take all courses within the Department for a letter grade, with the exceptions of CHEM 299 and courses that are offered S/U only.


All incoming PhD students are required to complete three (3) quarters as a Teaching Assistant (TA) as part of the academic requirements of the PhD program. Three (3) quarters of teaching are usually completed in the first year. Students typically must TA at least two (1) lab as part of the 3 quarter teaching requirement. For more information regarding TA applications and responsibilities, please visit:

Master's Degree

The Comprehensive Exam (Coursework) M.S. in Chemistry is optional, and interested students must apply for it. Students who wish to pursue this degree normally take the bulk of the required coursework during their first year and receive the degree after passing the Departmental Examination in their second year. See Coursework Map for Plan II MS along the way. Students will be given the needed paperwork and status report of M.S. units at the time of their Departmental Examination. The latest we recommend a student earn the Master's degree is the quarter in which they advance to candidacy for the Ph.D.

Students who already have a Master's degree from UCSD or who already have a Master's degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or a related field from another institution are not eligible. Transfer units are acceptable as outlined in the UCSD General Catalog and as approved by the Graduate Affairs Committee.

Application to Candidacy for M.S.

The deadline to file the paperwork to Advance to Candidacy for an MS is the Friday of the third week of the same quarter of the MS degree conferral. The final units needed to advance may be in-progress while the paperwork is filed. These are the unit and grade requirements for advancing:

  • REQUIRED: Complete a minimum of 36 units.
  • REQUIRED: Achieve a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.
  • REQUIRED: Successfully complete the Departmental Examination.
  • All courses must be taken for a letter grade unless offered S/U only.
  • Complete a minimum of 16 units of letter-graded (A, B, etc.) courses.
  • Lower-division (1-99) courses may not be applied towards the degree.
  • A maximum of 12 units of upper-division (100-199) coursework may be applied.
  • Complete a minimum of 24 units of graduate-level (200-298) coursework.
  • A minimum of 14 units of Chemistry graduate level courses required. Courses taken outside of the department must be approved by the Graduate Affairs Committee, contact the Student Affairs office for these requests.
  • A maximum of 8 units of non-thesis research (CHEM 298) may be applied.
  • A maximum of 2 units of Teaching Training Seminar (CHEM 509) may be applied.
  • A maximum of 2 units of a Department Seminar (CHEM 227, 291, 294, 295, or 296) may be applied.
  • CHEM 251 and CHEM 299 may not be applied.

Placement Examinations

The purpose of the Placement Examinations is to assist with academic advising and to assure that students have the breadth and level of competence needed for graduate studies in the chemical and biochemical sciences. There will be two required examinations for incoming PhD students: one General Exam and one in the student’s area of research specialization (In-track exam). These examinations cover undergraduate course material—the In-track Exam will focus on your area of research and the General Exam will encompass topics from all of the different Chemistry & Biochemistry tracks: biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, materials chemistry, and analytical/instrumental analysis. To meet the Placement Examination requirement, by the end of Spring quarter of your first year, you must show proficiency at the upper-division level on the topics covered in the General Exam and the In-track exam. You must prove proficiency by passing the two Placement Exams or by passing prescribed coursework with a grade of B or higher if you do not pass the examinations.

Incoming students are emailed information about what materials to review and the best strategies for studying for these tests. Students are required to take both examinations, which are administered at the beginning of the Orientation period. If a student does not pass the General Exam the first time, they will be able to self-study and re-take a different version of the General Exam. If a student does not pass the General Re-Exam and/or the In-track Exam, they must pass the coursework prescribed by their First-Year Advisor. The First-Year Advisors review the examination results and develop a prescribed course plan for each student who would benefit from additional training in one or more of the six areas. Students must pass their prescribed course(s) with grades of B or higher. It may take more than one quarter to become proficient in an area, depending on a student's educational background.