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Petition Information 

Before submitting a petition, please read the information below carefully to ensure your petition contains all necessary details. Incomplete petitions will be returned for revisions, which will delay processing time.

Processing Time
  • Typical Response Time: 2-3 weeks
  • Peak Periods: Response times may be longer during peak enrollment or graduation periods.

Important Considerations
  • Approval is Not Guaranteed: Petitions are reviewed carefully, but approval is not guaranteed.
  • Denial and Reconsideration: If your petition is denied, the decision is final unless you can provide new, relevant information for further review.

Please ensure your petition is complete and well-documented to facilitate a timely review process.

Course Substitution

Course Substitution Petition Information

Reasons to Submit a Petition

  • Transfer Credit: You took a chemistry class at another 4-year institution or an out-of-state/community college not on our approved list.
  • Multiple Institutions: You completed a chemistry series at more than one institution in different districts that isn't on our approved list.
  • Interdepartmental UCSD Courses: You took a course through another UCSD department and want it to fulfill a major requirement.

Do Not Submit a Petition If

  • Same District Courses: You completed a chemistry sequence within the same California Community College district. Instead, message us via the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).  Articulation agreements between colleges must be identical on or a petition will be required.
  • Listed Courses: The course is listed on the Courses Taken Outside of UCSD page.  Message us via the VAC.

Important Notes

  • Single Petition for Multiple Classes: Submit one petition for a chemistry sequence (e.g., General and Organic Chemistry).
  • Lab Credit: Syllabus must include lab hours. If not, provide verification.

Example Request

Request: Please review CHEM 1A from Grossmont College and CHEM 102 from Cal State San Marcos for equivalency for CHEM 6A, 6B, 6C, and 7L at UCSD (General Chemsitry Series).

Reason: Completed 1 year of general chemistry at 2 different schools in California.

How to Petition

  1. Check Course List: Ensure your course is not on our Courses Taken Outside of UCSD page. If it is, contact us via the VAC.
  2. Submit Request: Use our online petition tool and select "Course Substitution."
  3. Include Materials: Upload detailed syllabus for each course to be reviewed- syllabus required.

Required Syllabus Information

  • College name
  • Course number(s)
  • Year and term of the course, and semester or quarter system
  • Hours spent in lecture, recitation, and lab (if applicable)
  • Topics covered
  • Textbook used

Note: If any information is missing from the syllabus, provide it in the "Reason" section of your request.

Rescind a Petition

To rescind an approved petition, message us via the Virtual Advising Center.

Pre-Approval and EAP Coursework

Reasons to Submit a Pre-Approval Petition

If you plan to take a class at another institution and want it reviewed for equivalency before you enroll, submit a Pre-Approval petition. This includes courses from:

How to Petition

  1. Submit Request: Use our online petition tool and select "Pre-Approval" as the petition type from the drop-down menu.
  2. Completion and Posting: If your petition is approved, you must:
    • Complete the class with a passing grade.
    • Ensure the class is posted to your academic history.
  3. Contact Us: Once the above steps are complete, contact the Chemistry and Biochemistry department via the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) to have the credit attached to your transfer course.

Important Notes

  • Single Petition for Multiple Classes: For multiple classes in one sequence (e.g. General and Organic Chemistry, etc.), submit one petition.
  • Lab Credit: Your syllabus must include the number of lab hours. If not, provide verification (e.g., course description, instructor documentation).

Materials to Include

EAP Coursework

For EAP coursework, follow the same instructions as above. Seek advice in advance, especially if you have several course options.

Pre-Authorization via EASy

Common Reasons to Submit a Preauthorization Request

  • Unmet Prerequisites: You have not met one or more prerequisites for a class within the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department.
  • Restriction for Class Standing: You are a Senior wishing to enroll in a class restricted to Freshmen or Sophomore standing.
  • Prerequisite Course Not Posted: You are blocked from enrolling because a prerequisite course taken at another institution is not yet posted to your academic history.
  • Late Add Request: You are requesting to add a class after the Add Deadline (see "Late-Adds" section below).
  • Non-Major Enrollment: You are not a Chemistry major but wish to enroll in a course restricted to majors (e.g., CHEM 143B). These requests are reviewed after the second pass to prioritize majors.

Note: Preauthorization requests are not guaranteed. Most prerequisites are strictly enforced and will not be waived (e.g., CHEM 7L for CHEM 43A, or CHEM 6A for CHEM 6B).

How to Petition

  1. Highlight Courses: If submitting a transcript for proof of prerequisites, highlight/circle/underline relevant courses we need to review and which prerequisite it fulfills.
  2. Submit Request: Use the EASy System and select the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department.

Petitions are sometimes routed to the course instructor. If approved, prerequisites will be cleared so you can enroll via WebReg.

Materials to Include

  • Explanation: Provide a 2-4 sentence explanation for your request.
  • Unofficial Transcript: Submit an unofficial transcript showing your passing grade if you took a prerequisite elsewhere.


Prerequisites In Progress at Other Institutions

If prerequisites are in progress at another institution (usually in summer) and you need to enroll in a course at UCSD (usually for Fall), provide proof of the prerequisite course enrollment via EASy:

  • Justification: In this section, include the institution name, course, scheduled completion date, and specific prerequisite the course you're taking will fulfill.
  • Supporting Documents: Submit a screenshot/copy of your enrollment or relevant course page. Ensure institution name and course details are visible.

Proof of course completion must be submitted to by the assigned date each quarter, or you will be administratively dropped from the course.

Prerequisite Check

The Registrar's office verifies prerequisite completion at the start of each quarter. If prerequisites are not completed, the student will be dropped.

Major Requirement Waiver

Chemistry and Biochemistry majors can use this petition to request exceptions to major degree requirements.

Common Reasons to Submit a Major Requirement Waiver

  • Grade Exception: Request to graduate with two "D" grades in upper-division courses for the major.
  • Pass/No Pass Courses: Request to use a course taken with a P/NP grade toward the major. (Note: For CHEM 199 to count as an upper-division elective, a course substitution petition is required.)
  • GPA Exception: Request to graduate with a Major GPA below 2.0.
  • Degree Audit Deviations: Requests for changes that deviate from the degree audit.

Note: Major Requirement Waivers are highly unlikely to be approved and require extenuating circumstances. Please contact a Chemistry Academic Advisor to discuss alternate options.

How to Petition

  1. Submit Request: Use our online petition tool and select "Major Requirement Waiver" from the petition type drop-down menu.

Materials to Include

  • Statement: Write a short statement supporting your petition request. You will not be present when this is reviewed so what do we need to know in order for a decision to be made?  It's your chance to plead your case so make sure it is informational and very clear.
  • Additional Documentation: You may need to provide additional documentation. Contact a Chemistry Academic Advisor via the VAC for advice on what to include.

Late Add

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry strictly adheres to the campus add deadline.

How to Submit a Late Add Petition

  1. Submit Request: Use the EASy System to submit a Late Add request.
  2. Submission Deadline: Requests must be submitted no later than Wednesday of Week 3.
  3. Routing: Your request will be routed to the instructor of the course you wish to add.

Extenuating Circumstances

Only students with extenuating circumstances should submit a late add. The following reasons are not considered extenuating and will not be approved:

  • Failure to get off the waitlist (including failure to switch to a section with open seats during regular enrollment)
  • Needing the course for medical school or academic plan integrity
  • Needing the course to switch into a selective major program

Approval Criteria

Petition approvals are based on:

  • Student’s justification for the request
  • Instructor approval
  • Availability of space in the class


Contact a Chemistry Academic Advisor via the VAC if you need guidance on the petition process or to discuss your specific situation.

Unit Enrollment Limits

Regular Academic Year (Fall, Winter, Spring)

  • First Pass: Enroll in up to 11.5 units.
  • Second Pass: Enroll in up to 19.5 units, including wait-listed courses.
  • First Day of Instruction: Enroll in up to 22 units, including wait-listed courses.
  • Monday of Week 1: You may request to enroll in more than 22 units (see criteria below).

Summer Session

Criteria for Exceeding Unit Limits

To be approved for additional units in week 1, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Overall UCSD GPA: 3.5+
  • Completed Academic Coursework: 2-3 quarters
  • Previous Quarter Performance: Successful completion of at least 16+ units with a 3.0+ quarter GPA
  • Consistent Academic Performance: Demonstrated strong academic performance

How to Petition

  1. Submit Request: Submit a Unit Limitation request via the EASy System starting quarterly on Monday of Week 1. Select the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department.
  2. Approval Not Guaranteed: Requests are not guaranteed to be approved.

CHEM 199 for Major Credit

Chemistry and Biochemistry majors may petition to use CHEM 199 units to fulfill one major course requirement. Details and restrictions are as follows:

Elective Lecture Course

  • Units: 4 units (typically 1 quarter) of CHEM 199: Can fulfill one elective lecture course requirement
  • Non-Elective Fulfillment: May be petitioned if there is sufficient justification that the research experience is relevant to the identified course's subject matter.

Elective Laboratory Course

  • Units: 8 units (typically 2 quarters) of CHEM 199: Can fulfill one elective laboratory course requirement
  • Non-Elective Fulfillment: May be petitioned if there is sufficient justification that the research experience is relevant to the identified course's subject matter.

Note: All units must be earned under the same Principal Investigator (PI).

How to Petition

  1. Submit Request: Use the online petition tool to submit a Course Substitution petition.
  2. Enrollment Requirement: Only submit the petition after you have enrolled in CHEM 199.

Materials to Include

Upload a brief abstract that includes:

  • Research Description: 1-2 paragraphs describing your research
  • PI Contact Information: PI's full name and email address at the bottom of your abstract
  • PI Signature: PI's signature at the bottom of your abstract

Important Note: CHEM 199 units used to fulfill an elective may not be used for any other purpose, such as a Departmental Honors Application.

For more details on how to apply, click here.

University Petitions

Undergraduate Petition Form

To address any situation regarding university deadlines and policies, including retroactive withdrawals from courses, you must submit an Undergraduate Petition Form. Follow the instructions below for specific petitions:

Retroactive Drop Petition

  1. Complete Form: Fill out an Undergraduate Petition Form.
  2. Submit Statement: Include a statement explaining the extenuating reason for missing the drop deadline. Provide supporting documentation, such as a doctor's note, etc., if applicable.
  3. Instructor's Signature: Obtain your course instructor's signature on the petition.
  4. Submission: Email your petition, statement, and supporting documents to The Student Affairs office will forward it to our Vice Chair for review.
  5. College Approval: If approved by the department's vice chair, submit the petition to your college's advising office for further review by the Academic Senate.

Request to Receive an Incomplete Grade

  • Work directly with your instructor to determine eligibility for an Incomplete grade.
  • If necessary, fill out an Incomplete form upon instructor request and submit a copy to the department and your instructor.

Double Major Petitions

  • Include a quarter-by-quarter plan and a statement of purpose in your petition. Refer here for detailed requirements.

SAP Appeals

  • Coordinate with the Financial Aid office for SAP appeal inquiries.

Grade Changes

  • Grade changes are arranged solely between the instructor and student. Nonacademic criteria must be the basis for consideration.

Other Petition Types

  • If your situation does not fit any of the above categories, utilize the Undergraduate Petition Form.
  • If unsure or in need of guidance, contact a Chemistry/Biochemistry or College Academic Advisor.

For assistance or clarification on petition types, reach out to the appropriate academic advisor.