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Transfer Credit Equivalency

This information will help you receive chemistry course credit for classes taken outside of UC San Diego.

If your coursework is listed on our Pre-Approved List, please send a VAC message to the Chemistry Department with the details of the courses you took and their UCSD equivalents so we can update your record.

Prerequisite Coursework In Progress at Other Institutions

If you have any of your prerequisites in progress at another institution, you must provide proof of course enrollment via EASY

  1. Justification: Mention the institution name, the course you are taking, when you will complete the course and the specific prerequisite it fulfills.
  2. Supporting Docs: Submit a screenshot of your enrollment or the relevant Canvas page in your EASy request. Ensure the institution's name and course details are visible.

You must provide proof of course completion to by a set date that will be assigned each quarter, or you will be administratively dropped from the course you have been cleared to enroll in. 

Courses Taken Through Study Abroad


For specific guidelines, visit the Study Abroad as a Chemistry Major page.

Receiving Chemistry Credit for Study Abroad Coursework

Option A: Pre-Approved Courses
  1. Check the pre-approved course list.
  2. Email your Study Abroad Academic Planning Form to (1-4 business days for processing).
  3. After returning from studying abroad and passing your courses, contact the department via the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) to update your academic record once you see your coursework posted in your academic history.

Option B: Courses Not On the Pre-Approved List

  1. Submit a pre-approval petition request before studying abroad (2-4 weeks processing time).
  2. After approval, email your Study Abroad Academic Planning Form to (1-4 business days for processing).
  3. Update your academic record via VAC after course completion.
  4. After returning from studying abroad and passing your courses, contact the department via the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) to update your academic record once you see your coursework posted in your academic history.

For details, visit the Transfer Credit page.

Courses Taken at Other UC's

If you're a UCSD student planning to take a course at another UC:

  1. Choose an approved course from our list.
  2. Take the course for a letter grade, P/NP will not be accepted towards your major. If your major is outside the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, consult your major department for grade requirements.
  3. Review UCSD's How to Transfer Courses Page for information on where to send your transcripts.
  4. Once your UC transfer course is listed on your Academic History, UCSD credit should be automatically applied. If not, use the VAC to request that the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry to attach UCSD course credit to your transfer course. For example, CHEM 1A (UC Irvine) = CHEM 6A (UCSD).

Courses Taken at California Community Colleges

If you're a UCSD student planning to take a course at a California Community College:

  1. Please visit ASSIST to find pre-approved course equivalencies for your coursework.
  2. If you attended two different community colleges in separate districts, please submit a course substitution petition for our department to review your coursework for UCSD equivalency.
  3. For chemistry coursework completed at two different colleges within the same district with identical course numbering, a petition may not be required. However, please send us a VAC message  to update your record. 

Courses Taken at Other Institutions

If you're a UCSD student planning to take a course at another Institution outside of UCSD:

  1. Choose an approved course from our list.
  2. Take the course for a letter grade, P/NP will not be accepted towards your major. If your major is outside the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, consult your major department for grade requirements.
  3. Review UCSD's How to Transfer Courses Page for information on where to send your transcripts.
  4. Once your UC transfer course is listed on your Academic History, use the VAC to request that the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry to attach UCSD course credit to your transfer course. 

Major Requirements for Transfer Coursework

48 Upper-Division Major Requirement


  • 48 Upper-Division Units: A minimum of 48 upper-division units must be completed within the major at UCSD.
  • Residency Requirement: Complete at least six (6) upper-division courses within the department
(e.g., through Study Abroad or another university).


Department Residency

Chemistry and Biochemistry majors must complete at least six (6) upper-division courses within the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department. Students must ensure they meet this residency requirement, especially if they intend to take upper-division courses at another institution (e.g., through Study Abroad or another university).

Additional Major Requirements

Students should familiarize themselves with all relevant policies and deadlines, and refer to the list of previously approved course equivalencies for guidance.

Visiting (Non-UCSD) Students

Visiting students should consult with their home campus department to confirm accepted transfer courses and understand the relevant policies and procedures for transfer credit. We cannot advise visiting students on course equivalencies.